zaterdag 22 november 2008

Baking our Christmas ornaments :)

The days are getting shorter and the weather outside cold and rainy. I was stuck with a little flu and was wondering what we could to inside that would make us all happy! Now I happened to remember making breaddough decorations with my mom when I was young. So I went on the internet, found the recipe and got everything ready. With christmas comming around soon I thought it would be fun making christmasdecorations together.

The kids were really good. We were in the kitchen making and baking from 10 in the morning until three thirty in the afternoon. For the first part of that day we started very serious, but after a while things did get silly a little.

I was really happy that this bread is not for consumption :) But although it got wild a little in the end, we did end up with some cute results! In the pictures below you can see some of the stuff we made.

donderdag 6 november 2008

Our camper trip to the Bodensee

Our trip to the Bodensee started early in the morning! Both kids were really supriced that we woke them up when it was still dark but realised right away that we would go on a adventure!
After a couple of hours we arrived in Konstanz at the Bodensee. But because our end destination was on the otherside of this lake we took the ferry.

Our destination for that day was the model expo. Where they have everything from small planes to trains. You can see almost all men with big smiles on their faces and big plastic bags in their hands. Also Martin couldn't take his eyes of all the trucks, cars and trains.

Outside was a little steamtrain where kids could sit on, they both liked that!
The next day we spend a relaxing morning on the lakeside and later that day went to this very cute little zoo.

The kids did like feeding all the animals! Well..., Mellie gave the pop-corn to the animals, Martin had a hard time doing just that. Not because he was afraid of the animals but because he wanted to eat it himself.
But the best of the Zoo for Martin were these little cars. He couldn't get enough of it. Mellie was also a very good and fast driver.

Last week we had our first snow!

Our first snow for this winter! I have no idea how the kids knew but this morning they were already awake at 6 and wanted to look outside to see if the sun was up. Although it was still dark they saw the snow right away and even asked if he could go outside. I told him he needed to wait untill it wasn't dark outside anymore :) When later that day he did get to go outside, he didn't want to come inside anymore. A good thing that kids do get hungry after a while.

School photo's are in!

On the day that the photographer came to Melanie's school, she wanted to look her best. Mellie knew exactly what she wanted to ware and how she wanted her hair. I think that on that day she had put every hairclick she had in her hair. At first I thought she looked a little silly but I do like how the pictures came out :)