donderdag 19 juni 2008

Photo challenge Reflections

Hi guys, I missed last weeks challenge, but trying to get back in the saddle this week :)

Here's my first serious attempt. I love how the light hits the sunglasses! But most of all, I love the fact that my kitchen looks cleaner in the reflection than it really is! LOL

6 opmerkingen:

Helen zei

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are so funny Jorinde. I want to try a few different shots of reflections this weekend too but did not think of! Now I am going back to check out your kitchen benches LOL!!!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings zei

cool ones..

Wendy zei

You are too funny!! A grand way to show off your kitchen. Excellant job on the reflection challenge...Great job!!

Nancy zei

i love that i can see you taking the picture in the sunglasses! the reflection of the lights really does look awesome!

evanwick zei

I'm just sooo wishing that I thought of glasses now! Love this!!

Karin zei

Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love this!!!!!