dinsdag 1 juli 2008

Food Photo challenge

Last weekend we went on a campertrip. It was a lot of fun driving through the beautiful swiss countryside. I was so happy that I had my camera with me because I was lucky to make some really great pictures of my kids. With this weeks challenge in mind, this was the first campertrip where I have photographed our dinner :)

6 opmerkingen:

Karin zei

These are beautiful!!!!! Exceptional clarity and color!!!! Great job!!!!

Helen zei

Yum!!! Now I am hungry! These are great....glad you enjoyed camping. I want to see MORE PICS! Please! hehehe.

Celeste zei

YUM-O! That salad looks soooo good right now!

Wendy zei

Oh can I come camping with you? Your food looks delicious and I love the photos, Great job!!

evanwick zei

Dinner always tastes so good when you are camping. Love your photos!!


Lotti zei

The bowl of salad pic is just fantastic!